Saturday, June 4, 2011

Be Careful...Your Sins Will Find You Out: Conclusion

...Today that memory is tucked away in a place that my family visits ever so often for a good laugh.  In fact, it has become so benign that my mom jokingly tells my children that when I was little, I was NEVER disciplined.  On the contrary, my back side has a completely different recollection.  The consequences of that day were great for both of us.  The physical effects of discipline included a “good scrubbing” to remove the paint from our skin.  We lost our new shirts, as well as, my most prized possession -  white majorette boots with tassels.  Yes, they were painted, too.  More heart wrenching than any of these, was the utter disappointment I saw in my mother’s eyes that day. We had brazenly disobeyed our dad and her.  Even so, the unconditional love that she had for us was evident in her care.  We were still her children and she loved us more than her own life. 
   I have often thought back on that day and am struck by the similarities in my own journey of faith.  Because of my willful disobedience, sin had left a horrible stain that made the black paint on my skin, clothes, towels, and floor-- pale in comparison.  The day I trusted Christ as my Savior, and asked His forgiveness for my disobedience, I was made clean.  The perfect, spotless Lamb was the sacrifice for my sin, as well as, the sin of all people. Although I often fail to live up to His perfect example, His unconditional love is evident in my heart.  And it is on those days, I am thankful He does not wield a switch.
Isaiah 1:18 “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow…”

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