Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why Blog?

  "Okay...that's just depressing." Those were the words spoken by my 19 year old as he read the title of my newly created blog.  I explained to him that it is not my intention to depress anyone, but instead to point people toward the One who has given me life-both physical and eternal.  Let me say from the outset that there is nothing special about me. I simply want to share with others the hope that I have in Jesus Christ.
   My prayer is that through some of my experiences you may be encouraged IN your own faith or encouraged TO your own faith.  Blessings!


  1. At first I also thought it was a depressing title. Then I realized how spiritually correct it truly is. This world needs more dying women and men. We must, like the apostle Paul, die daily to our carnal nature to fully experience life in Christ.
    I look forward to hearing what God has to say through you.
    Waterfall blessings on you my friend!

  2. Whew! When I saw this I was like "WHAT?!?!?!?!? IS THERE SOMETHING SHE DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!??!" But I like it, Very thoughtful!

  3. This is awesome! I bet the insights will be great as you continue to write and share.
